The city of Fargo will be putting into effect a travel ban soon (midnight CDT 3-27) and will cut off volunteers from going to the Dome and Sandbag Central. It is IMPERATIVE that any NDSU student able bodied goes to the Fargodome to make sandbags. The river is coming up so fast that we need help.
Water, Water, Everywhere
Undoubtedly you’ve heard of the flooding going on in Fargo, and throughout North Dakota and Western Minnesota. To be honest, living here, it’s quite scary. Reports are coming in at this point (3pm Wed Mar 25) that the river will reach 41 feet. As a guideline, the highest the river has been since records have been kept is 40.1 feet. The devestating flood of 1997 reached a record crest of 39.57 feet. Here, on the National Weather Service’s River Information page, which has probably received more hits than Google in the past week, the river currently stands at 35.86 ft.
If you haven’t volunteered yet, go out and help someone. I felt rather guilty until I went and volunteered. It was hard work, but was extremely rewarding. To see all those people at the Fargodome filling sandbag after sandbag was amazing. I saw kids, students, parents, even grandparents grabbing a shovel and working.
If you have any pictures (DON’T go and get some, sightseers will be thrown in jail) let me know in a comment.
- Eden Photography – Beth has taken some amazing pictures of the sandbag effort on their farm.
- National Weather Service AHPS Page – River levels for stations around the region
- – Local Newspaper that has extensive flood coverage
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-22
- huzzah for Gnome widgets. I just tricked out my panel! Oh, and will be posting to the blog soon #
- will be consuming vast amounts of food this week. And is totally OK with that. #
- “Is this like Oprah?” “No, but I’m pretty sure she’s a man” #
- will be in Tampa for the day. #
- is quite tired after a long day at the beach and a play and getting lost #
- will be going to SeaWorld today. #
- will NOT be going to SeaWorld today. Going tomorrow. #
- is in fact going to SeaWorld today. Today being Friday. #
- has been having issues uploading pics to and guesses he’ll fix it later. #
- will be relaxing this last day in Orlando #
- all I have to say is all of me hurts. #
- feels severely distracted #
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I Think Gallery2 Hates Me

So, I enjoyed SeaWorld yesterday. I also enjoyed taking about 400 pictures. However, Gallery2, the software I use to display pictures here, will not accept more than 100 pictures into an album before erroring out. This could be due to the terrible Internet connection, or CPU load restrictions in place on DreamHost. Either way, I have to find a solution, which may be to re-upload the pictures in 100 count chunks. It will be annoying, but doable.
For now, I’m going to put the pictures onto my Picasa Web Albums account, until I can get all of them up on Gallery2. The problem with Picasa is that I can’t put ALL of them. I want to put ALL of them up as a remote backup and so that you can see all the fun I had at SeaWorld.
If you have any ideas or comments, leave them in the comments of this post.
From the beach…
I’m currently on the beach. Sitting typing away on my laptop. I got a wifi signal from an unprotected linksys AP, probably from the many residences and hotels around this area. I’ll post more later, pictures included. Though the WIFI here is much better than the stuff in the hotel.
Weather where I am: here
Photos and Orlando

I’ve finally installed one of my favorite web applications, Gallery2, onto It will be located at . I will be updating it with pictures as I cruise around Orlando, and will eventually move my old pictures from Picasa to this platform.
The old Picasa photos are available at
Also, when I was flying in to Orlando, we were able to see the space shuttle lift off from the runway. After we landed we could see the flare from the rockets as it blasted off. It was quite awesome. I will be posting a picture of it as soon as I get a hold of it.
Photo credit: John Baird
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-15
- is having a terrible day #
- will be listening to the scanner…all day #
- Blizzard Info: #
- thinks NDSU should wait til noon. WF and MHD have cancelled, FPS and NDSU should follow suit. #
- hats off to the guy who called in to KFGO asking for FPS to cancel. #
- early morning…sleepy….idk why i do this #
- hates hw #
- should get up and go to work, and then class #
- says that you shouldn’t mess with something that has just been messed with. Yes, FB, I’m talking about you. #
- just realized that its Pi Day! #
- is now less than 24 hours from Orlando #
- has to run an errand or two, and then is flying to Orlando! #
- is in MPLS at the airport, awaiting a flight to ORLANDO! #
- is in an AWESOME resort in FL. #
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Spring Break
Alright, I know you’re all going to be disappointed, but I’m going to be in Florida for Spring Break this year. I hope that I will take lots and lots of pictures and be able to post them here.
What does this mean for you? Well, you probably won’t be seeing a daily update. I will try and post something, but I may just end up being too busy to do stuff.
I hope everyone else has a happy and safe Spring Break!
UPDATE: So, what am I bringing along for entertainment? Here’s a quick list:
- My 2GB Sansa c250 MP3 player with the latest episodes of TWiT.
- A backup Sansa m240 MP3 player…just in case…
- My HP dv2312 laptop with Ubuntu and Windows 7 BETA on it. I probably won’t be using this on the plane, but definitely at the hotel. I hope the WiFi is free, or else I have to get my nerd on.
- A book. What book you ask? I’m not sure, but it will certainly have pages.
Official Blizzard March 2009 Post
OK, since I’ve had requests for pictures and video, this will be the post that I will update. If you have any video/links/pictures of your own, email me at
So here’s the first video. I took it while I was coming back from breakfast. The snow on my face felt like needles. It’s very cold and sharp.
UPDATE 9:21a: And, for those of you who are wondering: “All is well, at the Roger Maris Museum”.
UPDATE 9:26a: MAT Bus has decided to stop service at 11:15am. ALL F/M bus service will stop.
UPDATE 11:58a: I added another video. This was facing north between Sevrinson Hall and the West Dining Center. Very very snowy.
UPDATE 1:10p: I’ve added pictures now, and will be adding more to the slideshow as the day goes on.
UPDATE 4:12p: This video was shot just outside the east door of Sevrinson Hall. The door swung open while I was shooting it, hence the sudden angle change. Very cold and very windy.
UPDATE 5:11p: NDSU has updated their Weather Information page. It now states that “Status of campus opening on Wednesday yet undetermined.” A decision is going to be made tonight or early tomorrow morning on whether or not classes will be held. My bet? I say that classes are canceled before 12p. Campus will re-open at 12p and classes after that will be held. Anyone else have any ideas?
Blizzard Update – NDSU CLOSED
NDSU will be CLOSED Tuesday March 10th due to snow.
Just thought I’d let you all know.