Happy Holidays. We got a blizzard.
Why yes, that is my real name.
Everyone’s favorite quick-firing deal site Woot! is having a Woot-Off! Head on over to www.woot.com to see what it’s all about!
My brother ran in the Fargo Marathon this morning, in the 5K run. I took some cool video of the start of the full marathon, as well as the start of the 5K run. Enjoy!
This is the 5K start.
I feel kinda bad for not keeping my site up to date with the latest flood information. To be honest, that’s what the newspaper and media sites are for. I have been keeping informed, by checking with the National Weather Service, and with local media outlets.
To be honest, I have lost faith in our elected officials. After watching the morning press briefings and flood coordination meetings, I don’t think that Mayor Dennis Walaker is the one who is “saving our city.” To be honest, it’s the hundreds of city, county, state, and federal employees manning the emergency operations centers and department heads sitting around that table that are given 5 minutes to speak. THOSE are the people who are keeping your house dry, and keeping you safe. Supporting them is the community of volunteers who are put so much hard work into this fight. In any other city, we’d all be in about 5 feet of water by now I’m sure. The overwhelming support from the community is such a powerful factor.
So why do I hate the Mayor and other elected officials so much? For starters, Dr. Mahoney, city commissioner, keeps wearing that stupid reflective vest. I don’t know if he thinks it makes him look like he’s been out fighting the flood. To be honest, its almost insulting. Unless he’s been at the sandbag production sites directing the dozens of heavy machines around, or out directing traffic like the National Guard, he has no reason to wear it. Take the damn thing off!
Second, our Mayor is not a very good speaker. I have heard from friends who are out of the area hearing Mayor Walaker on the national news, and they ask, “Is he really your mayor?” Yes, that is the person that somehow won the election a couple years ago. If only I could have voted. He didn’t save this city in 1997, either. That was done by the numerous city staff and engineers, along with volunteers. He can drive the snow plows, but he sure can’t be mayor.
As far as the overall morning briefings, I think for the past few days, Walaker has had to apologize or re-state something he said the day before. Or he’s been eating. I just wish I could still stand to watch the meetings. I find myself trying to get the critical information out without getting pissed off at our officials.
Alright, I think that’s an adequate amount of ranting for the day. Leave your comments, in, of all places, the comments section. I do read them. In fact, I get a nifty email when you leave one.
OK, since I’ve had requests for pictures and video, this will be the post that I will update. If you have any video/links/pictures of your own, email me at andrew@andrewrlynch.com.
So here’s the first video. I took it while I was coming back from breakfast. The snow on my face felt like needles. It’s very cold and sharp.
UPDATE 9:21a: And, for those of you who are wondering: “All is well, at the Roger Maris Museum”.
UPDATE 9:26a: MAT Bus has decided to stop service at 11:15am. ALL F/M bus service will stop.
UPDATE 11:58a: I added another video. This was facing north between Sevrinson Hall and the West Dining Center. Very very snowy.
UPDATE 1:10p: I’ve added pictures now, and will be adding more to the slideshow as the day goes on.
UPDATE 4:12p: This video was shot just outside the east door of Sevrinson Hall. The door swung open while I was shooting it, hence the sudden angle change. Very cold and very windy.
UPDATE 5:11p: NDSU has updated their Weather Information page. It now states that “Status of campus opening on Wednesday yet undetermined.” A decision is going to be made tonight or early tomorrow morning on whether or not classes will be held. My bet? I say that classes are canceled before 12p. Campus will re-open at 12p and classes after that will be held. Anyone else have any ideas?