- is now available at andrewrlynch.com #
- accomplished a new website, and an integrated ad system. w00t! http://www.andrewrlynch.com #
- is headed for bed. Bwa. #
- just went back and watched some old Hak5 episodes. HILARIOUS! #
- just beat Portal…again. #
- is insanely tired. #
- just has to get through 4 classes, including a test. Then, the weekend will be mine! #
- thinks most of this class can go fsck themselves. (For more sense, look up “fsck”) #
- is working in class…yay. #
- has found the weekend, sneaky bugger #
- this must be important: http://ping.fm/X8XwP #
- is apparently going to the Sportsman’s show at 1p #
- bwaaaaaaaaaaaa #
- o god o god we’re all gonna die? #
- alright now this is just getting funky http://ping.fm/fL2QT #
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