Alright, so I couldn’t come up with a better name. But hey! You’re here. I’m here…kind of… Welcome to AndrewRLynch.com! Yes, I know its cheesy to have your domain name be your own name. I wanted something personal, though. And this was the best I could do. If someone out there is willing to convince the owner of AndrewLynch.com to give it up and let me have it, I wouldn’t have any objections!
So what do you expect to see here? Well, I hope to cross-post my twitter entries, bookmarked links, and any other random stuff about me that I can all over this blog. I also hope to post some pictures for my family and friends, password protected of course. In addition to my short links/tweets, I intend on posting things of content, like tutorials or guides on different products I’ve used. I’m always on the lookout for new and exciting free/open source software and services. I get bored sometimes!
On the right-hand side, you’ll see some links as well. They’re to my other projects. Feel free to check them out. I’m going to be adding Google AdSense ads over there, as soon as I get around to it. I need to make money somehow. I appreciate donations, including using my promo code “BECREATV1” at DreamHost.com to get an addition free domain registration when you sign up for their awesome hosting! (see what I did there? it’s called a shameless plug) I’ve been using DreamHost for a couple months, and have been quite satisfied with their service. It helps that their entire staff are crazy. Seriously crazy.
Well, that’s all for now. More to come soon. Stay Tuned! (I honestly can’t believe I said “stay tuned”)