New Apartment

Alright, I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted, but I have a good reason. I’ve now moved into a new apartment. It is a luxurious 1-bedroom unit located in North Fargo. It’s pretty close to campus, and is a convenient distance to walk to work. I have posted some pictures on Picasa. I’m hoping to put them up here soon.

As far as the site design goes, I’m going to redo it soon. I’m not really happy with the new template, but I wanted a change from the old one. I may just have to give up and write a new one from scratch. That’ll be a weekend project when I have a free weekend. Lately I’ve been shopping for supplies or getting food. Or cleaning. Cleaning is good.

Also, in total nerd form, I do have a fully functional corporate network running at my apartment, complete with DNS (fully qualified) and an Active Directory domain. I am hosting Teamspeak and Jabber chat, and have local network storage on two different servers.

Yes, nerdy.