I went ahead and bought another app. This one is called BlogPress, and allows me to post to my blog from the iPod touch.
— Post From My iPhone
Location:14th Ave N,Fargo,United States
Why yes, that is my real name.
I went ahead and bought another app. This one is called BlogPress, and allows me to post to my blog from the iPod touch.
— Post From My iPhone
Location:14th Ave N,Fargo,United States
So I finally gave in and bought an iPod touch. This is the first Apple product I have ever purchased new. So far, I like it a lot. I’m finding that there is no shortage of applications, and that the ones I have downloaded aren’t too bad.
One of the big things to get used to is the predictive text input. Basically you can get really close to what you want to type and it will make a decision based on what you typed. I have yet to put my faith in it yet fully.
Well, I know that this is a rather short post, but hats because I wrote it out using the wordpress application. Lots of little errors that I don’t feel like going back to fix.